!! Welcome to my webcorner !!
This site includes both (mostly) english and (some) norwegian text.
Best viewed in google chrome, do tend to check if pages display alright in firefox too though. Mobile compatibility not guaranteed.
Heyyy!!! Long time no talk, huh?
On 17.12.2023,
korsse dot neocities dot org turns five years old!!!
It will also have been 8 months since the last measly update, so it was important for me to get the big overhaul
I spoke about back in March online in time for the occasion. An overwhelming task. Read more about it in the log
if you'd like, but the gist is that I had to humble myself, and set aside some of the things I originally wanted to go
live with the release of the overhaul for later updates.
Therefore, for transparency sake, let me list what I would like to do with the site!
In the foreseeable future:
- Double check if there are more things I should add to the credits page.
- Prepare and upload my backlog of scanned sketchbooks.
- Bring the comics pages up to date.
- Small updates to how distribution is set up, perhaps add a side, top or bottom bar to make navigation between pages more convenient.
- Display the site buttons for more convenient access and download.
- Replace temporary and old assets.
- Add sites I like to the links under "cool neocitizens".
- Add my gsm looks to the media page.
- Fix the music page
(I'd like to get this done asap, but... it's beyond my skill level, so expect it to take a while.)
- Finish the ToC
- (Secret)
Longer-term goals for the site:
(Note: not all of these pages are a guarantee; I would like to make them IF I can find the time and motivation, they are not a priority.)
- Complete MS Paint guide.
- Improve stamps.
- Text and photos for "So you want me to tell you more about making dolls?"
- Add a section to doll-making for showing off doll clothes.
- Art supply page.
- Pop-pop boat page.
- Perhaps improve scale of Thunder dressup and how items are arranged upon loading the page (if possible).
Thank you for all your support these past 5 years!!!
Recent Activity:
- | 17/12/2023 |Spent day improving styling issues and broken lists in firefox ect...|
- | 16/12/2023 |Transitioned to brackets rather from built-in editor, overhauled many pages.
Created a few new ones including, for example thunder dressup and doll-making.|
- | 16/03/2023 | Restarted making the gallery from scratch, got an offline editor, made music page,
remade about, updated distribution, made misc. and media, redid intrigue/links, made doll page, made toc,
made credit. added short comics to distibution. compressed some assets to free up space.|
- | 24/05/2022 | Updated log, made ACTLOG and uploaded 3 2019 sketchbooks to distribution page.|
[ click here for full activity log ]

This site is currently going through a big overhaul. Existing pages will be updated, and new pages added, sporadically.
Thank you for your patience.